Supporting Your Digestive Health for a Clearer and Brighter Skin
The skin is the largest organ in our bodies. It is our first line of protection against environmental toxins and stressors. Establishing a skincare routine to keep your skin moisturized, protected from the sun and premature aging, is one of the most important and best routines you can implement. But what happens if your beauty routine is not enough? Have you been struggling with acne, eczema or skin complications and nothing seems to work?
This could be happening due to your skin acting as an exit ramp to toxins your liver and detoxification system is not able to get rid of. You see, your skin’s job is not only to protect your body from environmental toxins, it can also take the job to excrete them. When the detox systems of your body become overloaded and pathways congested, the skin needs to step in to help get rid of the load. I’d like to refer to the link between healthy glowing skin and your digestive system as the skin gut connection.
Gut and digestive factors that can influence the health of your skin include:
Poor stomach acid production to help break down nutrients
Poor blood flow around the gut because of the constant release of stress hormones
Leaky gut syndrome
Parasites living in the gut
Poor liver function
Poor bile production
The digestive system and the gut work together to break down the food we eat into nutrients that are taken into the bloodstream and carried where needed, even to the skin. It also deals with the food waste. Sometimes, because of nutrient-deficient diets, there are more toxins and waste to charter away than nutrients, causing the digestive health issues mentioned above.
There are some easy things you can begin do to support your gut and digestive health which will in turn help your skin to clear and radiate a beautiful glow.
Support your stomach acid production by eating slowly and chewing your food properly. Drinking apple cider vinegar or lemon juice in warm water before a meal can also help
Eat a diet with nutrient-dense foods like leafy greens, colorful fruits and vegetables to boost the amount of nutrients available for absorption
Remove processed foods and foods that can cause allergic reactions in the gut like gluten (found in wheat products) and casein (found in dairy products)
Try to reduce your stress by doing a relaxing form of exercise like yoga. This will help to decrease the effects of stress hormones on your gut and improve blood flow
Use supplements or Chinese herbs to deal with parasites and poor bile production
A healthy beautiful skin is easy to achieve and maintain once you start nourishing your skin from within. If you are interested in learning more about your skin, inner beauty, and how to get the glow read more about my beauty reset program. Today is the day to give your gut and digestive system some love, implementing the tips mentioned above is a great way to start!